
A Complete Guide To Manage Your Money

What if you could get your finances under control and build wealth?

Whether it’s learning about money, managing your money, getting out of debt, getting hold of your finances or achieving financial independence...

You CAN do it all!

Does any of these sound familiar to you?

Spending mindlessly. You have no idea where your money goes by the month end.
No savings. You are not able to save. You find that you don’t have enough money to save.
No investments. You are not aware about investment or investment options.
No financial security. You don’t know how to plan your finances in terms of future. 

Were you able to relate to any of these?

Don’t worry. I totally get you!
 You’re at the right place.

Now, imagine how it would feel if you could have...

• Clarity about your financial position.
• Awareness regarding different forms of investment.
• A plan for your financial journey.
• A system that could help you to get all your finances in control.

Introducing: Money Habits Formula

Money Habits Formula is a step-by-step course designed to help you manage your money, to get your finances on track and to secure your future in term of finances.

Here's what you'll get with the course:

• Access to three video lesson modules.
• Interactive and printable PDF resources.
• Actionable steps at every step of the way.
• Links to other valuable and helpful resources.
• Membership to the exclusive telegram group.
• BONUSES: 3 video courses + 1 eBook for extra guidance
+ 30 minutes 1-to-1 Financial Clarity session.

Along with these, enjoy the amazing bonuses!

#1: Financial Position evaluation scorecard.
#2: Rich Mindset blueprint.
#3: Financial Goals blueprint.
#4: Ebook: Personal Finance blueprint.
#5: A 30-minute 1-to-1 session, so that I can personally guide you in your financial journey.

Are you ready to get your finances under control?

Courses Included

So will you let your money control you... or will you start controlling your money however you've always wanted?

Now is the best time to get your finances in control!

Silver Level

4999 INR

  • One Time Payment

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Priyanka Verma Verma

Greetings! I am Priyanka Verma. I am on a mission to help people develop healthy financial habits so that they can manage their finances smartly in order to achieve Financial Freedom and live their life on their own terms and means.